Former Marietta Resident Turned Romance Novelist

I recently had a chance to connect with a childhood friend of mine, Cindy Tinker Dorminy, a former Marietta resident. Dorminy is the author of seven published books, including her most recent, In A Pickle, that will be on sale (ebook) from July 31 through Aug 3.

“I write contemporary romances, rom-com (romantic comedy), chicklit. Some of my novels have teen characters, and others are adults, but all of my stories share a common theme of every day people finding love when they least expect it,” said Dorminy, who lives in Nashville, TN with her husband, Mark, and daughter, Maddie Rose, and mini Dachshund, Jethro.

Dorminy with Jethro

Although Dorminy did not grow up writing, she loved watching movies. “So, the fascination with storytelling goes back a long time. I do remember, if I liked a book, I would read it over and over, something my daughter does too. Someday, I hope a reader says that about one of my novels,” Dorminy said.

Dorminy, who received her Bachelor’s Degree from Kennesaw State University and her Master’s Degree from The University of Georgia, spent decades writing medical research documents. She changed courses by chance.

“When I first got married, my husband was in a band and he suggested I find a hobby since he would be gone a lot for band rehearsals. I started researching his family tree, which led to learning a good deal about the American Civil War. During my readings, I came across numerous accounts of females joining in the fight, on both sides. I was intrigued why a woman would want to do that. From my readings, an idea for my first novel was born,” Dorminy said.

Her first novel told the story of a female soldier in the Civil War who followed her brother into battle. “Sister Soldier was never published, but it gave me the desire to continue writing. There are few things more satisfying than writing the two sweetest words in the English language: ‘The End,’” Dorminy said.

Dorminy’s first published novel, Tuned Into You (2016), is a young adult romance about a teen rock idol and a normal girl who get into trouble. “Tuned wasn’t the first book I wrote. It was actually the seventh manuscript. All but one are safely tucked away, never to be seen by human eyes. The first book I actually wrote was in the early nineties. Looking back, I cringe,” Dorminy said.

All of Dorminy’s novels have a consistent theme. “Going back to my favorite hobby of watching movies, I love rom-coms. Even though I know the guy and the girl are going to get together at the end, it’s the journey that’s fun. I love to see what kind of obstacles they have to overcome in order to reach their happily ever after,” Dorminy said.

Dorminy published books

Dorminy draws on experience and each novel has a preacher’s kid as a character. “I think I spent as much time in a certain pastor’s house growing up as I did my own, and I witnessed first hand not to put any of them on a pedestal. Preacher’s kids are flawed and real. They have problems and make mistakes. I wanted to show people that a preacher’s kid can: get arrested, have a child out of marriage, and even cuss (gasp). I don’t write Christian romance novels, but want to include characters with a faith that gets them through tough times, without smacking the reader over the head with my beliefs,” Dorminy said.

Other people inspire Dorminy. “I love to listen in to conversations. So, if you are near me talking loudly on your cell phone, beware. I will scribble down ideas or bits of dialogue that strike me as unusual. I also will find inspiration while reading the news. My ‘idea’ folder is quite large. I only wish I had time to write all the stories I think of,” Dorminy said.

“My books are easy and lighthearted. The world seems to be so unsettling these days, so I hope my books make readers smile. In A Pickle is a second chance romance and I think it’s my favorite trope to write (and read) because we get to see the characters grow and realize what they were missing,” Dorminy said.

Find Dorminy’s books at all online retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Apple). Visit

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Photos courtesy to Marietta Talks. 

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2 thoughts on “Former Marietta Resident Turned Romance Novelist”

    1. Sally Litchfield

      Thank you, Cindy. I loved hearing about your books and journey. Thank you for sharing with our readers. Best to you!

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